Mid Del – Del City High School Robert Kalsu Field – Stadium Renovation

Del City was the second of three football stadium renovations completed for Mid Del Public Schools. The Harris field site presented a variety of site challenges to the overall design.
The district requested that extra space be provided around the existing track for the addition of a future lane. This required the removal of almost all the existing home bleachers to allow for new concrete bleachers at the field level and new aluminum bleachers up to the press box.
The existing concrete press box structure was left in place and new home concessions and toilets were integrated around that structure. Ticket booths and entry canopies were set at both ends of the building to create destinations for spectators drop off and pick up. The press box features customized vertical LED accent lighting and icon signage with the school logo and stadium name.
The visitor concessions, lockers, and toilet were required to be elevated above the local flood levels. This provided the opportunity to create a large elevated viewing plaza on the visitor’s field. A new ticketing entry was also created for the Visitors side of the field. This entry features canopies and architectural detailing that compliments the Home entrances.